Marycrest, our motherhouse, is situated on a peaceful and beautiful site on the crest of a hill, as its name implies. Our administration center, our U.S. novitiate and formation center, and our infirmary are all at Marycrest. Our apostolate in a number of nearby parishes is also a part of the life of Marycrest.

Parish Visitors have lived at our Bronx mission convent since 1937. The Sisters reach out to the spiritually needy by missionary visitation and catechesis not only in the Bronx but beyond. The noisy city streets do not deter the Sisters from their prayerful spirit.

In February 2019 we opened a new convent in Clifton Heights, a suburb of Philadelphia. The Sisters are following in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd by missionary outreach and religious instruction, serving several parishes of the archdiocese of Philadelphia as well as one in nearby Delaware.

In October 2022, we opened a convent in Warren, Ohio . The Sisters serve joyfully in parish visitation, catechesis, and youth ministry.

We began our mission in Nigeria over 25 years ago, and we now have convents in Umuihi, Imo State and in Abraka, Delta State. As everywhere, the need there for our apostolate is great, and the Sisters do wonderful apostolic work. In Nigeria we have a novitiate and a complete formation program for women who enter from Africa.

Since March 2005 we have had a mission in the Philippines, beginning with our convent in Quezon City. We now also have a formation house in Lipa, to prepare young women to be contemplative-missionaries, serving God’s people in the Parish Visitor spirit.
To know more about the Philippine mission, click here.