Excerpts from Church Documents and Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, Foundress, Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate
“Entire groups of the baptized have lost a living sense of the faith, or even no longer consider themselves members of the Church, and live a life far removed from Christ and His Gospel. In this case what is needed is a new evangelization or a re-evangelization.”
Mission of the Redeemer, Pope John Paul II, 1990, #33 also General Directory for Catechesis, 1998, #58
“In addition it [evangelization] must always be directed (especially today when conditions causing dechristianization are on the increase) to the many who have been baptized but live completely out of touch with Christian life, be they simple people who have some faith but hardly any knowledge of its fundamentals, or intellectuals…”
Evangelization in the Modern World, Pope Paul VI, 1975, #52
“There is another class, so estranged, as to live beyond hearing the message of the Church unless it is carried to them…. Such a mission is the special privilege of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate…. Carry the divine message of the Gospel to neglectful families.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon

“The new evangelization is directed to the Church herself: to the baptized who were never effectively evangelized before, to those who have never made a personal commitment to Christ and the Gospel, to those formed by the values of the secularized culture, to those who have lost a sense of faith, and to those who are alienated.” —National Directory for Catechesis, 2005, p.47
“With renewed courage, the proclamation of the Gospel to those alienated or who live in religious indifference must be planned.” —General Directory for Catechesis, 1998, #258
“The church of God is to knock at every door, especially that of the average man.” —Pope John XXIII
“The Church must be in the streets: seek the people, go to homes, visit families, go to the outskirts.” – Pope Francis

“Primary proclamation is addressed to…those living in religious indifference…is part of that ‘Go’ which Jesus imposes on his disciples; it implies, therefore, a going out, a haste, a message.” —General Directory for Catechesis, 1998, #61
“You must go to them; see the people in their homes. Stair-climbing is my favorite work…. Carry on this personal visitation and do not let any substitute satisfy you.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon
“Over and above the public proclamation of the Gospel which is addressed to all without distinction, the other form of communication—from one individual to another—will always be valid and important. The Lord himself often followed this method…. We cannot allow the need of bringing the Good News to multitudes of men make us forget this form of evangelization in which the individual’s conscience is touched by the special words another addresses to him.”
—Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod on New Evangelization, #16, quoting Evangelization in the Modern World, Pope Paul VI, 1975
“The individual influence is so much stronger in dealing with one than with a crowd. Did you ever notice in the Gospel how much good Our Lord drew from the individual conversation, as in the case of the woman at the well and Nicodemus?”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon
“The Parish Visitors speak to the people, face to face and heart to heart. Their method, being the conversational one, is easily acceptable.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon

“The pastor…is to make every effort…to bring the gospel message also to those who have ceased practicing their religion….” —Canon Law, 1983, #528.1
“The pastor…is to visit families, sharing the cares, worries, and especially the griefs… strengthening them in the Lord, and correcting them prudently if they are wanting in certain areas…. He is to make a special effort to seek out the poor, the afflicted, the lonely, those exiled from their own land, and similarly those weighed down with special difficulties; he is also to labor diligently so that spouses and parents are supported in fulfilling their proper duties, and he is to foster growth in the Christian life within the family.” —Canon Law, 1983, #529.1
“She is the messenger of the pastor, who engages her services because of his love and zeal for the welfare of his people.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon

“There are indeed many gravely disadvantaged children who lack adequate religious support in the family, either because they have no true family, or because they do not attend school, or because they are victims of dysfunctional social conditions or other environmental factors. Many are not even baptized; others do not bring to completion the journey of initiation. It is the responsibility of the Christian community to address this situation by providing generous, competent and realistic aid, by seeking dialogue with the families, by proposing appropriate forms of education and by providing catechesis which is proportionate to the concrete possibilities and needs of these children.” —General Directory for Catechesis, 1998, #180
“Children who are perishing for instruction are calling out to us for help. Every year that we wait, before instructing them, puts them that much further beyond our reach…. It is our calling to help them all, especially the most neglected and neglectful.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon

“Today…catechesis must often take the form of the primary proclamation of the Gospel because many who present themselves for catechesis have not yet experienced conversion to Jesus Christ.” —National Directory for Catechesis, 2005, p. 57
“The Church’s mission of evangelization is permeated by catechesis. While catechesis and evangelization cannot be simply identified with one another, ‘there is no separation or opposition between catechesis and evangelization….’ Catechesis is so central to the Church’s mission of evangelization that, if evangelization were to fail to integrate catechesis, initial faith aroused by the original proclamation of the Gospel would not mature….” —National Directory for Catechesis, 2005, p. 67 quoting Catechesi Tradendae #18.
“Catholic adults…who have been baptized but who have not received a comprehensive catechesis or who no longer practice their faith need to be renewed through…a vibrant re-evangelization.” —National Directory for Catechesis, 2005, pp. 187-188
“Effective organization of parish catechetical programs for children should also include enthusiastic evangelization and recruitment efforts in order to reach families whose children do not participate in parish catechetical programs…. Warm personal invitations can be employed to reach out to parents who may be on the margins of the Church and have little or no understanding of their duty to provide their children adequate catechesis or the Church’s ability to assist them.” —National Directory for Catechesis, 2005, pp. 261-262
“Who would believe we should find the numbers of neglected children we did? It is so easy to pass them over, and to say that what is not seen, does not exist. But only the discerning eye shall discover the most needy and the truly loving soul help the unfortunate children.”
“Every needy child must be sought and instructed… Our Lord wants every one. They all belong to Him.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon
“Catechesis of the marginalized…. The solemn word of Jesus, which acknowledged, as done to him, any good work done to ‘the least of the brethren’ guarantees the grace needed to work well in difficult environments. Permanent signs of the strength of catechesis are its capacity to identify different situations, to meet the needs and questions of everyone, to stress the value of generous and patient personal contact, to proceed with trust and realism, sometimes turning to indirect and occasional forms of catechesis.” —General Directory for Catechesis, 1998, #190

“Nothing is so important as the teaching of religion to others, for [it] is a means whereby all persons attain the very end and purpose of their creation.”
—Mother Mary Teresa Tallon