"Make Every Soul Count"
Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, Foundress
In imitation of the Sacred Heart of the Good Shepherd, Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate combine a contemplative prayer life with missionary visitation to parish families, and religious instruction.
Parish Visitor Sisters visit families and individuals where they live, door to door as well as along the way, in order to win souls for Christ.

The Parish Visitor
I am a neighborhood missionary,
Imitating Christ’s own way of life through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience;
Bringing the message and love of the Good Shepherd to all; Seeking, especially in parish neighborhoods, those Catholics most spiritually deprived and distant from the Church.

We do this in the name of the parish pastor, who knows that, in addition to the faithful Catholics, there are many others who have strayed away or are living on the fringes of the Catholic faith. These souls are dear to the Good Shepherd, who came to seek out and bring back the lost sheep. This is the New Evangelization called for by the Church!

We reach out to persons as a friend, with compassion and gentleness, while upholding the teachings of the Church. A typical conversation begins, “Has anyone in this household ever been baptized Catholic?” This simple question has begun the process of re-evangelizing hundreds of thousands of those who have strayed from Jesus. The Sisters strive to draw each person into closer union with Him.

Religious instruction, informally in homes or in small groups or formal parish classes, helps adults, children, and teens respond to the love of God with their whole heart, so the gift of faith may become more living, conscious and active in them. We have a special love for those who are spiritually neglected, especially the children.
What a joy it is to be a Parish Visitor!
Founded in New York City in 1920 by Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, we are a papal congregation, faithful to the Church, and we evangelize and catechize in the United States as well as Nigeria and the Philippines, carrying our charism into the future!

"The Parish Visitors speak to the people, face to face and heart to heart."
Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, Foundress