Directions to Marycrest
164 Quaker Hill Road, Monroe, NY
If you use GPS, put in: Marycrest, Monroe, NY 10950
Our phone number, just in case: 845-783-2251
From NY Thruway (87):
- Exit 16 (Harriman)
- At exit, go straight ahead (toward Binghamton)—you’ll be on 17 west.
- Take exit 130
- At exit, turn left at light (Route 208)
- Pass one traffic light
- You’ll soon see a fork in the road by Mobil gas station—go to the right at the fork, between two gas stations (route 208)
- Road curves. At traffic light, turn right (17M).
- Very soon, turn left onto Gilbert Street (between Burger King and Chase bank). Important—do not go on Gilbert Street before this!
- ***Road curves behind shopping center. At stop sign, go across.
- You’ll come to a fork in the road—take right fork (Quaker Hill Road). If you end up on Cromwell Hill Road, you went too far.
- On your right, pass Newbury Street, then Van Keuren Court, then Claire Drive (private road). At the next right (at intersection of Quaker Hill Road and Old Quaker Hill Road) you’ll see a sign marked Marycrest, Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate (164 Quaker Hill Rd).
- Turn right at the sign and go about ½ mile to the buildings. Go to the door to the left of the Chapel, down a few steps. Welcome!

From Garden State Parkway:
- Parkway north to New York Thruway (87) west (toward Albany)
- Proceed as in directions above.
From Rt. 84 from Connecticut:
- Take Exit 7A for NY Thruway (87). After toll booth, get on left hand side to go south (toward NY city—87 S)
- Exit 16 (Harriman) and proceed as in Thruway directions.
From Rt. 84 from Pennsylvania:
- Exit 4E (17 east)
- Exit 129 (Museum Village Road)
- At stop sign, turn right.
- Turn left onto 17M
- Right onto Gilbert St. (at Chase bank, just before Burger King)
- Proceed as above***
From Palisades Parkway:
- Palisades north to exit 9W for New York Thruway and proceed as in Thruway directions. (Important: Don’t take Route 9W instead!)
Alternate route:
- Palisades north to Exit 18 (exit is on left)
- This is Route 6 (Long Mountain Parkway). Follow signs for Central Valley.
- At the end of Rt 6 (past dividers in highway) don’t exit for Central Valley but stay on Rt 6 (toward Middletown) and you’ll be on 17 west.
- Proceed as in NY Thruway directions from 17 west onwards.
From Bear Mountain Bridge:
- After bridge, go about halfway around circle to Route 6 toward Central Valley (at this point this is the same as Palisades Pkwy). This passes Perkins Point.
- Take Exit 18 (Route 6 toward Central Valley). Proceed as above.
From George Washington Bridge:
- Take UPPER LEVEL of G.W. Bridge.
- On bridge, go into far right lane and exit for Palisades Parkway.
- Proceed as in above Palisades Pkwy. directions.
From Tappan Zee Bridge (Mario Cuomo Bridge):
- Stay on New York Thruway (87) and proceed as in NY Thruway directions.
From New Jersey Turnpike:
- North to exit 11 (Garden State Parkway north)
- To New York Thruway (87) north (toward Albany)
- Proceed as in Thruway directions.
From Route 78 or Route 80 from Pennsylvania:
- In New Jersey, exit for 287 north.
- To New York Thruway (87) north (toward Albany)
- Proceed as in Thruway directions.
- From Port Authority, NYC
- Take Shortline/Coach USA bus to Monroe Terminal at Millpond Parkway.
- For schedule: 800-631-8405 or
- Costs about $32.00 round trip; takes about 1½ hours.