by Sr. Mary Emmadona Lee | Dec 16, 2022 | Newsletter
Jesus is the Light of the World! He has come to dispel the darkness of sin, and the darkness of not knowing Him.
We know how much the world needs the Savior. He came into our world! He came to save us!
Let’s let the people know that God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son, who came to save us!
Let’s spread the Good News, to His people everywhere, to young and old.

Let’s be His instruments in helping to turn darkness into light
Hustle and bustle and anxiety into peace,
Sin into grace,
Bickering, arguing and hate into love,
Fear into courage,
Sorrow into joy.
We ourselves need Him, too. Let us love Him deeply and show Him our gratitude for His coming. And may any uncertainty you have about your vocation be turned into certainty, in His own good time.
The wise still follow Him!

May you have peace, joy, and many graces from our newborn Savior!

God bless you and your loved ones at this holy season and throughout the new year.
The Parish Visitor Sisters
by Sr. Mary Emmadona Lee | Sep 4, 2022 | Magazine
Jesus’ great commission at the end of Matthew’s Gospel tells
us to go out to all the world and tell the Good News.
Pope Francis has reminded us in “The Joy of the Gospel” that we are all called to be Missionary Disciples because of our Baptism. This call is not just for Priests and Religious but all the baptized.
As Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate, we help and encourage those we meet to be faithful as Missionary Disciples. Mother Maria Catherine’s article highlights this point.
It may seem like “Mission Impossible,” as Archbishop Perez put it in the article by Sister Theresa Marie, but with God’s grace, we can do much more than we could ever imagine.
During our retreat this year, we learned that each time someone lives the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, others see a glimpse of God through them. Be that glimpse of God for others
Read the Summer 2022 Issue
by Sr. Mary Emmadona Lee | Jul 27, 2022 | Newsletter
God’s peace be with you! We hope your summer thus far has been pleasant, and a time of growing closer to the Lord as well.

Much has happened here this summer. Our General Chapter (held every five years) took place during the last two weeks of June, and included elections of the General Superior and General Councilors.
Our local bishop, Bishop Gerardo Colacicco, presided over the election of the General Superior. Mother Maria Catherine was re-elected as our General Superior. Here she is pictured with the Bishop after the election.

Our annual eight-day retreat followed soon after. Retreat time is always a very graced time of prayer, reflection, and spiritual preparation for the year ahead. Most of the Sisters were on this retreat, other than a few Sisters who had special duties and will have their retreat later on.Our apostolate continues, with vacation Bible schools, visitation of families, and much more. Here is a girl who was instructed by a Parish Visitor and is now enjoying being a baptized Catholic!
Our apostolate also took us to Ireland this summer! Four Sisters are there on a three-month temporary mission, and Mother Maria Catherine joined them for the first two weeks. We hear that all is going very well there, and right from the beginning the Sisters reached out to the people. They’ll be helping with a summer church camp, visiting families to strengthen their faith, and much more. Here are four of them before leaving Marycrest for the airport.

We’ve had time for some summer relaxation as well.

It’s a great joy to be a Parish Visitor, loving and serving God and His people throughout our lives.
Wouldn’t you like to join the circle?

May God bless you always, and may He guide you to know His will and to have the courage to do it!
In Jesus,
All your Parish Visitor Sisters
by Sr. Mary Emmadona Lee | Jun 24, 2021 | Events
On June 24, the Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist, the Parish Visitors had a great reason to celebrate. Sister Jhoan Marie of Tacloban, Philipppines and Sister Mary Imelda of Bicol, Philippines made their Perpetual Profession of Vows at our motherhouse in Monroe, New York.
Fr. David Rider was the principal celebrant, Fr. Tom Byrnes, the homilist, and the following priests concelebrated the Mass: Fr, Chris Argano, Fr. Jack Arlotta, Fr. William Damroth, Fr. Eric de la Pena, OFM Conv., Msgr. Philip Franceschini, Fr. Dennis Gill, Fr. Kevin Hanlon, M.M., Fr. Robert Pinnisi. They were assisted by Michael Coleman, a seminarian currently assigned to Sacred Heart in Monroe. Fr. Reynor Santiago joined in the celebration later in the day.
Sr. Jhoan Marie will serve God’s people from our Pennsylvania convent, and Sr. Mary Imelda will continue to be missioned at our Philippines convent.
As you can see, the new “Brides of Christ” were radiant. Please pray with us for many more young women to follow their example and say “yes” to the call of Jesus!
by Sr. Mary Emmadona Lee | Apr 20, 2021 | Events
On April 20 we hosted Bishop Gerardo Colacicco, Fr. David Rider, Fr. William Damroth, Fr. Reynor Santiago, and Fr. Kevin Hanlon, who have celebrated Mass for us at Marycrest. It was our way of saying thank you to them for their spiritual care for the Sisters. (Several other priests who also celebrate Mass at Marycrest were unable to attend.) A Eucharistic Holy Hour which concluded with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament was followed by free time for the priests to relax together. They joined us for Evening Prayer and Rosary. After a special dinner, the we sang songs that had been written in their honor. May God bless all our priest friends!