During these difficult days, may we find strength, courage, and hope in our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
The PVMI Formation Sisters would like to encourage you with our heartfelt prayers and support.
In solidarity, we unite our prayers to yours. Let us remain steadfast in faith and find comfort in Jesus, our Merciful Savior.
By His Cross, Jesus triumphed over the grave.
Let us place our trust in Him, Who will lead us to victory.
We are praying for you and with you!
“The priest is at the service of the community. He is also sustained by his community. He needs the specific contribution of the laity not only for the organization and administration of the community, but also for faith and charity, a certain osmosis exists between the faith of the priest and that of the other faithful. Christian families and fervent communities have often assisted their priests in times of crisis.” (“The Priest Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community,” Congregation for the Clergy, 16)
On St. Valentine’s Day, we were blessed to visit the Shrine of St. John Neumann in PA, and pray before his incorrupt body. A priest gave each of us a personal blessing with a first class relic, to remind us of God’s great love and to remain faithful until the end.
We are so grateful for our priests who bring us the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and have a deeper appreciation for them, especially during this challenging time. In the words of St. John Paul II: “There can be no Eucharist without the priesthood, just as there can be no priesthood without the Eucharist.” Let us pray for our spiritual fathers who heroically spend themselves to bring us the bread of life.
Greetings in the Risen Lord!
Alleluia, HE conquered death! With confidence in Jesus Christ, I greet you in this joyous and triumphant season of Easter! Recently, we have been disoriented with global suffering with the COVID-19… Fear, pain, suffering, and dying. Our Sisters have been storming heaven with their heartfelt prayers for all of you.
Let us not JUST look at this misery of the world in despair, but LOOK UPON HIM who will travel with you as He did with the two on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35) and share with you with His presence in the Scriptures and in your daily prayers as never before. May the Risen Jesus be your constant help and strength!
By Sr. Mary Beata, Postulant/Novice Director
A Message of Hope
Our Lord is our refuge, He is our strength
Staying united in prayer will take us to great lengths
It is faith that we desperately need, in this time of distress
God, in His merciful love, will surely deliver us from this mess
Though we may not understand His mysterious ways
Let us fix our eyes on Him, every moment of our days
He who is faithful, will redeem us with His love
So let us trust in Him and look to Him above
Be assured that the PVMI Sisters are praying for you
It is the only and best thing we can possibly do
Be not afraid, Jesus Christ is our triumphant light
His power will lead us to victory in this fight
By Sally Yu, Postulant
“Queen of peace, the world is most disturbed. Queen of Heaven and earth come to the aid of thy children. Make us
worthy of such a Mother. Mother of Mercy, hear us, help us. Keep us near thee, get us divine peace for Jesus’ sake.”
–Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, Servant of God,
PVMI Foundress

Sacred Heart of the Good Shepherd in front of the PVMI Motherhouse
Remember—I created you because I love you.
Remember—I brought you to this desert to speak tenderly to you.
Remember—I died so that you may live forever.
Remember—I am your Savior, Healer, Protector, and King.
Remember—you are not alone; I am always with you.
Remember—those you love are infinitely more dear to Me than you can imagine.
Remember—though you feel isolated, My Church is one Body, united in Me.
Remember—through your Spiritual Communion and Adoration
you are aiding in the redemption of the world.
Remember—I Am your Father, Friend, and Guide.
Remember—My Sacred Eucharistic Heart thirsts for you more than you thirst for Me.
Remember—to console Me for all of those who do not know, trust in, or love Me.
Remember—I am your Good Shepherd Who searches for you always,
waiting to hold you in My arms.
Remember—as you weep for those who have died, I weep with you.
Remember—I redeemed you so that you will spend eternity with Me.
Remember—though the world is passing through Calvary, you will see the Victory.
Remember—My desire is to love you as I re-member, re-create this broken world.
Remember—to let Me love you, to re-create you.
By Mary Beth Bracy, Postulant