On the feast of the Annunciation we joined in the consecration of Russia, the Ukraine, and the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Here at Marycrest we all prayed the prayer of consecration together at the same time the Holy Father and so many others did. Our Sisters in our other convents were united in spirit with our prayer.  If you weren’t able to read the whole text of the beautiful prayer, you can see it here:   https://dphx.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Act-of-Consecration-to-the-Immaculate-Heart-of-Mary-English-03252022.pdf

Mary Immaculate is, of course, the patroness of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate.  As our Constitutions states,

“Mary is the model for their contemplative-missionary vocation.  They are to walk in spirit with her,                         contemplating the greatness of the Lord and imitating her example of charity and zeal.”

May Our Mother of Peace intercede for peace for our world!

We also had our annual public novena to Saint Joseph, who is another special patron saint of the Parish Visitors.  He is the “man of the house” for us.  He has helped us over the years in so many ways and continues to do so.


May God be praised for our beautiful apostolate!

Our Sisters in our various convents have been busy reaching out to God’s people, and at this time of the year instructions for reception of the sacraments at Easter, First Communions, and Confirmations are in full swing.






Children are open to learning about Lent and about Jesus’ death and resurrection.  So many, though, are interested only in Easter candy, new clothes, and what they will get at Easter.   But, oh, the greater joy of knowing Jesus and His love for us!



This is also a time of grace to help people return to confession, often after many years of staying away from the sacrament. Jesus wants no one to be lost. Helping a wandering sheep to return is always a joy to the Parish Visitor, and the Sacred Heart of the Good Shepherd rejoices at each one who returns!

Some special community joys are our two new novices in Nigeria, and upcoming first vows here in New York.  God is so good!

We will soon be singing Hosannas on Palm Sunday.  On another Palm Sunday, it seemed that a  little girl really got into the Hosannas.  Afterward, though, when her mother mentioned the Hosannas, she said, “Is that what they were saying?  I thought they were saying “Lasagna!”

As we draw nearer to Easter, we offer to God these remaining days of Lent.  Let us make the best use of them!  May your Holy Week and Easter be very blessed by Our Savior and bring you even closer to knowing His will for your life and knowing how much He loves you!

In Jesus,

Sister Dolores Marie

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