God is good! All the time! And we have so much to thank Him for, not only now but always! Here are some of the many, many things we Parish Visitors are grateful for:

Jesus in the tabernacle, all the time, and being able to praise Him daily.

The opportunity to spread God’s word.

The foundation of our community 100 years ago by Servant of God Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, and God’s call to us to love and serve Him here!

The opportunity to serve our Sisters.

The beauty of God’s creation.

Keeping safe in this pandemic.

The joys of community life.

And our Catholic faith, our health, our families, food every day, our education, living in a free country, and so much more!

May you have a grateful heart always!

If you haven’t yet seen the vocation videos done to commemorate the centenary of our community’s foundation, go to the vocation section of our website. There are other videos there as well, including vocation stories of some of the Sisters.

May God continue to guide you in your discernment of His will for your future. God bless you!

In Jesus,
Sr. Dolores Marie

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