
70th Anniversary

On July 2, Sr. Mary Roberta White celebrated 70 years in religious life. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Charles Connor, Fr. Thomas Byrnes and Fr. Joseph Meagher. Sister is originally from Wisconsin, and over the years has served in our apostolate in many places. God bless you, Sister!


Sr. Eileen Marie Laird, born in Butte, Montana, peacefully entered eternal life on February 10. She was 98 years old and was in religious life for 76 years. She served in the Philippines and then as General Secretary and notary at Marycrest motherhouse. Her funeral will be on Saturday, February 17 at Marycrest’s Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. May she rest in God’s eternal peace.


We ask your prayers for the repose of the soul of Sr. Ann Marie Archer, PVMI who died following a brief illness on Saturday, January 20, 2024. Sister Ann Marie did missionary visitation, social service assistance, and religious education in St. Raymond’s, Bronx, and visitation in St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Bronx, and Our Lady of Peace in Manhattan. She served as a formation director for many years in the Bronx and at Marycrest. For the past 18 years she was a local superior at Marycrest and cared for the Sisters in the infirmary. In 2012 she was elected as a General Councilor. Her funeral was at Marycrest on Saturday, January 27, 2024. May she rest in peace.


While the large World Youth Day gathering was being held in Portugal, we held our own one-day event at Marycrest. The weather was perfect and the teens had much opportunity for spiritual growth and refreshment: Mass, Adoration, opportunities for confession, talks, a rosary procession, and of course food and fun! The worldwide theme was “Mary Arose and Went with Haste” [to visit her cousin Elizabeth], which fits right in with the charism of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate. Please pray for the teens who attended, that their relationship with the Lord will continue to grow all their lives!

Death of Sr. Joan Germaine Riley

Sr. Joan Germaine passed peacefully to her eternal reward on July 22. Bishop Gerardo Colacicco and Father David Rider celebrated the Funeral Mass on July 27. It was attended by several of Sister Joan’s nieces and nephews, Parish Visitor Associates, the local Legion of Mary, aides who had cared for Sister Joan, friends from Rome, NY, and the Sisters at Marycrest and those from our Bronx and PA convents. May Sr. Joan Germaine rest in God’s eternal peace and pray for us all.


We began the month with the celebration of two jubilees:  Sr. Eileen Marie Laird, originally from Montana, has been in religious life for 75 years, and Sr. Carmen Rivera, from Puerto Rico, celebrated 60 years.  We rejoiced with them as they renewed their vows in Chapel at a beautiful Mass and later celebrated with family and the Sisters.  May God bless them both in abundance for their years of generous and loving service to Him!


Our newest convent was opened in Warren, Ohio on October 15. The Sisters will serve Blessed Sacrament Parish and the other parishes in Warren.  Fr. Christopher Cicero, the pastor, welcomed the Sisters who had previously served there temporarily last year. Sister Mary Beata and Sister Debra Marie are joined by Michelle DiCarlo, one of our postulants. Bishop David Bonner celebrated the parish Mass on the 15th to welcome the Sisters to the Youngstown Diocese, and Mother Maria Catherine and Sister Alina Marie were present for the occasion.

As in all our convents, Warren has a Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament always present.



The General Chapter of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate, held every five years, opened on June 16. Elections were held on June 27 and 28. Bishop Gerardo Colacicco presided at the election of the General Superior, and Mother Maria Catherine was re-elected as General Superior. General Councilors elected were Sr. Mary Josita, Assistant General Superior, Sr. Carole Marie, Sr. Ann Marie, and Sr. Dolores Marie. Please pray with us for those elected and for God’s blessings for the years to come.


On May 30 Sister Dolores Augustine, PVMI went home to God. She entered the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate 79 years ago in 1943 and would have been 100 years old in August. Born in Minnesota, throughout her years of religious life she served in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Scranton, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Chicago, as well as having various assignments within the convent.

She is the last Sister to have lived in the community during the lifetime of the foundress, Servant of God, Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, who died in 1954.

May God grant Sister Dolores Augustine eternal peace.

First Vows

Sr. Debra Marie Comins of Cleveland, New York professed her first vows as a Parish Visitor of Mary Immaculate on May 6, the birthday of our foundress. A number of priest friends, as well as her family, joined the Sisters in rejoicing with her on this special day. May God grant her many happy and holy years as a Parish Visitor!










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